Discover JazzyBees in Amsterdam for kids' music courses and fun concerts! Enjoy jazz, soul, and blues classes tailored for young learners and lively performances.


Music is present in all cultures worldwide with its powerful, transformative, and unifying effect on people. This is because listening to, and playing music, produces changes in the brain.

Music ignites all areas of child development and skills for school readiness, including intellectual, social-emotional, motor, memory, language, and problem-solving skills.

Having fun with music and singing helps children improve their coordination skills and develop a sense of timing. They can benefit numerous physical and mental health benefits, including stress reduction, and improved mood.

Last but not least... singing, music, and movement are perfect for a creativity explosion!

Thanks to Jazzy Bees* we will understand the importance of singing and making music for children's and kids' development.

With Jazzy Bees we are learning the language of music, the individual notes, and how to combine them and memorize their sound.

We primarily use our Voices to learn the Music Language. The voice is our most valuable and personal instrument. We will explore different musical genres and styles, giving specific importance to learning the Jazz Language.

As a jazz singer, improvisation will be one of the higher goals to achieve during my classes.

And for improvisation, I do not mean exclusively what we do as jazz performers. Still, I mean to give students the elements of thinking music as an improviser, in other words, to be “composers on-the-moment”.

We will be using also other instruments(bells, xylophones, boomwachers, mallets, rhythm sticks, etc..) and other materials (chiffon scarves, balloons, parachutes..) depending on the aims to achieve.

Jazzy Bees is about*:

  • Singing songs

  • Jazz language

  • Vocal Harmony

  • Memorizing sounds

  • Ear training

  • Vocal technique basis

  • Solfege-NotenLeren

  • Play

  • Melody

  • Harmony

  • Hand notes signs

  • Echo songs

  • Rhythm

  • Pitch

  • Games

*All the topics are developed according to specific age abilities


Music is present in all cultures worldwide with its powerful, transformative, and unifying effect on people. This is because listening to, and playing music, produces changes in the brain.

Music ignites all areas of child development and skills for school readiness, including intellectual, social-emotional, motor, memory, language, and problem-solving skills.

Having fun with music and singing helps children improve their coordination skills and develop a sense of timing. They can benefit numerous physical and mental health benefits, including stress reduction, and improved mood.

Last but not least... singing, music, and movement are perfect for a creativity explosion!

Thanks to Jazzy Bees* we will understand the importance of singing and making music for children's and kids' development.

With Jazzy Bees we are learning the language of music, the individual notes, and how to combine them and memorize their sound.

We primarily use our Voices to learn the Music Language. The voice is our most valuable and personal instrument. We will explore different musical genres and styles, giving specific importance to learning the Jazz Language.

As a jazz singer, improvisation will be one of the higher goals to achieve during my classes.

And for improvisation, I do not mean exclusively what we do as jazz performers. Still, I mean to give students the elements of thinking music as an improviser, in other words, to be “composers on-the-moment”.

We will be using also other instruments(bells, xylophones, boomwachers, mallets, rhythm sticks, etc..) and other materials (chiffon scarves, balloons, parachutes..) depending on the aims to achieve.

Jazzy Bees is about*:

  • Singing songs

  • Jazz language

  • Vocal Harmony

  • Memorizing sounds

  • Ear training

  • Vocal technique basis

  • Solfege-NotenLeren

  • Play

  • Melody

  • Harmony

  • Hand notes signs

  • Echo songs

  • Rhythm

  • Pitch

  • Games

*All the topics are developed according to specific age abilities

JazzyBees Concerts

This super special interactive concert is an amazing experience for children and adults!

Listening and making music is even more effective for children's brain development.

That’s why I’ve been thinking about JazzyBees concerts.

In this way, it is possible to conjugate the two aspects to double the benefits for parents and little ones.

The performance is with professional jazz musicians and songs will be performed from the jazz tradition as well as my compositions or Disney songs, Sesame Street songs, etc.

During the performance, we will use different materials (shakers, chiffon scarves, etc.) and childrens can freely dance and move to explore different rhythms and colors of the songs and sounds performed.

Without realizing it, through this experience, your child is developing their coordination, sensory development, vocabulary, early literacy, mathematics skills, and most importantly their well-being.Like reading, singing is an activity that requires listening. Thus by being sung to, the little ones learn that sounds, gestures, and vocalizations can be used to express one’s thoughts and feelings.The JazzyBees concerts are a chance to enhance the bonding with your child and to feel free to get in touch with a new emotional world to share.

Book your own Jazzy Bees concert!

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JazzyBees Concerts

This super special interactive concert is an amazing experience for children and adults!

Listening and making music is even more effective for children's brain development.

That’s why I’ve been thinking about JazzyBees concerts.

In this way, it is possible to conjugate the two aspects to double the benefits for parents and little ones.

The performance is with professional jazz musicians and songs will be performed from the jazz tradition as well as my compositions or Disney songs, Sesame Street songs, etc.

During the performance, we will use different materials (shakers, chiffon scarves, etc.) and childrens can freely dance and move to explore different rhythms and colors of the songs and sounds performed.

Without realizing it, through this experience, your child is developing their coordination, sensory development, vocabulary, early literacy, mathematics skills, and most importantly their well-being.Like reading, singing is an activity that requires listening. Thus by being sung to, the little ones learn that sounds, gestures, and vocalizations can be used to express one’s thoughts and feelings.The JazzyBees concerts are a chance to enhance the bonding with your child and to feel free to get in touch with a new emotional world to share.

Book your own Jazzy Bees concert!

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JazzyBees Singing Stories

What’s better for children than stories?

The Singing stories!

What does a JazzyBees Singing Stories workshop consist of? 

It is well-renowned that reading stories is important for developing children's literacy skills.

But adding the singing and some music and interactive musical activities to those stories can make the experience even more educational and meaningful for them ( and parents too!). 

In this way, the benefits will be enormous. 


Children learn words and language skills from listening and engaging in stories, songs, and conversations. By sharing stories and singing with your child, you are helping them to become more familiar with words and sounds. 

Singing a book instantly engages a child’s brain. Because music affects multiple regions of the brain, when a child is listening to a book being sung, both hemispheres are working. One side of the brain processes the words while the other processes the music.

I’ve personally written melodies for a specific story and recorded in advance simple sounds and harmonies that can support my singing of the story. The melodies and the choice of sounds, colours, materials and musical activities have the intention to bring little children into the discovery of new words, and new sounds  but, overall, into discovering the world of emotions that are hidden inside the story. 

The voice is used by a professional as a way to communicate more authentically with children and the background sounds support this intention. 

Singing different melodies, rhythms, and harmonies teach children how to break down words into smaller parts. 

When words are sung, they are naturally broken down into smaller sounds. This is the rhythmic element of language that allows it to pair so well with music. By highlighting each syllable in a word, more focus and awareness is given to it. This experience helps children get ready to read independently teaching them how to break down words into bite-sized pieces.

The JazzyBees Singing stories are not a passive experience for children.

The workshop focuses on a global experience made of interaction where we will also make musical activities that help the learning experience.

When children actively participate in the telling of the tale rather than passively listen, their level of focused attention is heightened. 

Singing books improves the ability to understand the stories, it reinforces narrative skills, and the ability to retell a story because they will be more likely to remember it.

So don’t miss this chance to book your next JazzyBees Singing Stories.

For the next Jazzy Bees Singing Stories, Go to Events.


Book your private Jazzy Bees Singing stories for your party!

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JazzyBees DO

For who? 13-16 years old

How long? 50 minutes

How much?

  • 45 € individual class

  • For Duo classes. Contact me for availabilities and prices.

When and where?

Individual or duo classes on Sundays at Parlour Amsterdam at Cornelis Troostplein 23, 2nd floor, 1072 JJ Amsterdam.

Other days at my private home studio in Amsterdam. The address will be shared at the time of booking.

Do you want a class at your home?

This is also possible with additional travel costs.

When and where?

Individual or duo classes on Sundays at Parlour Amsterdam at Cornelis Troostplein 23, 2nd floor, 1072 JJ Amsterdam.

Other days at my private home studio in Amsterdam. The address will be shared at the time of booking.

Do you want a class at your home?

This is also possible with additional travel costs.

When and where?

Individual or duo classes on Sundays at Parlour Amsterdam at Cornelis Troostplein 23, 2nd floor, 1072 JJ Amsterdam.

Other days at my private home studio in Amsterdam. The address will be shared at the time of booking.

Do you want a class at your home?

This is also possible with additional travel costs.

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JazzyBees LA

For who? 9-12 years old

How long? 50 minutes

How much?

  • 45 € individual class

  • For Duo classes. Contact me for availabilities and prices.

When and where?

Individual or duo classes on Sundays at Parlour Amsterdam at Cornelis Troostplein 23, 2nd floor, 1072 JJ Amsterdam.

Other days at my private home studio in Amsterdam. The address will be shared at the time of booking.

Do you want a class at your home?

This is also possible with additional travel costs.

When and where?

Individual or duo classes on Sundays at Parlour Amsterdam at Cornelis Troostplein 23, 2nd floor, 1072 JJ Amsterdam.

Other days at my private home studio in Amsterdam. The address will be shared at the time of booking.

Do you want a class at your home?

This is also possible with additional travel costs.

When and where?

Individual or duo classes on Sundays at Parlour Amsterdam at Cornelis Troostplein 23, 2nd floor, 1072 JJ Amsterdam.

Other days at my private home studio in Amsterdam. The address will be shared at the time of booking.

Do you want a class at your home?

This is also possible with additional travel costs.

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JazzyBees FA

Group activities

The group activities are more appropriate for the little ones, but if they are very determined about music, the individual classes are relevant.

The group activities include JazzyBees concerts, Jazzy Bees Singing stories, and Jazzy Bees Fa.

Click on Events for the Calendar and locations.

Individual/duo classes

For who? 5-8 years old

How long? 30 minutes

How much? 30 € individual class

When and where?

Individual or duo classes on Sundays at Parlour Amsterdam at Cornelis Troostplein 23, 2nd floor, 1072 JJ Amsterdam.

Other days at my private home studio in Amsterdam. The address will be shared at the time of booking.

Do you want a class at your home?

This is also possible with additional travel costs.

When and where?

Individual or duo classes on Sundays at Parlour Amsterdam at Cornelis Troostplein 23, 2nd floor, 1072 JJ Amsterdam.

Other days at my private home studio in Amsterdam. The address will be shared at the time of booking.

Do you want a class at your home?

This is also possible with additional travel costs.

When and where?

Individual or duo classes on Sundays at Parlour Amsterdam at Cornelis Troostplein 23, 2nd floor, 1072 JJ Amsterdam.

Other days at my private home studio in Amsterdam. The address will be shared at the time of booking.

Do you want a class at your home?

This is also possible with additional travel costs.

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JazzyBees RE

Group activities only

The group activities include JazzyBees concerts, Jazzy Bees Singing stories, and Jazzy Bees Fa.

Click on Events for the Calendar and locations.

For who? 0-4 years old, group activities

© JazzyBees & SingingDO

© JazzyBees & SingingDO